Missions - 2023 Malawi

- about Malawi -

Malawi is a landlocked country in Southeastern Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland.

Malawi is a majority Christian country, with a significant Muslim minority.

Cross Church has been engaging the Malawian people since 2002 through the ministry of iFeed1

But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 1:7-8

- about our team -

I am Keith Foster, a member of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas.

Other team members are:
Phil, Mason, Carson and Doug (team leader).

We will be in country
May 30 - June 8.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

- March 29 -

Initial meeting

Two Malawi mission teams met together to go over some details of the upcoming mission journeys. This gave us the opportunity to meet each other so that we can support each other in prayer as we prepare to engage the Malawian people through this ministry of iFeed1 (www.iFeed.one).

The first team will be in county from April 18 – 27. The team members are Cindy, Zac, Emelin, Jessica, Austin, Lance and Doug. Austin and Zac are members of Grace Hills Church and Emelin is a Dominican Republic church member. The rest of the team are from CrossChurch. The team will meet together in Atlanta on April 16, where Emelin will be traveling from the Dominican Republic and the rest of the team will be traveling from Northwest Arkansas. From there, they travel on to Malawi and will return to the United States on April 28.

The second team will be in county from May 30 – June 8. The team members are Phil, Mason, Carson, Doug and me. All are members of CrossChurch. Carson and Mason are C3 SEND Interns and they will be staying in Malawi through the summer. All will be traveling from Northwest Arkansas on May 28, except I will be traveling through London, where I will visit Redeemer Queen’s Park Church, a church plant that CrossChurch has committed to. I will meet up with the rest of the team in Johannesburg, South Africa on May 30, where we will travel on to Malawi.

The meeting consisted of travel expectations, house rules and the schedules of each team. It was great to meet as a single group, rather than just as individual teams. We will be sharing in the Malawi mission together, even though our mission journeys have a different timeline.

Please pray for our travels, since you can see that with the teams meeting along the way. Flight, vista (Emelin entering the US) and other issues can cause schedule problems. Pray also for each of us, as we meet daily with our Lord in prayer and Bible study. Pray that we will each grow in our personal relationship with Him. For more information, the website www.iFeed.one (linked above) will provide details on this ministry.

- April 13 -

Tonight’s meeting was a kickoff for the first team heading to Malawi. This team will be leaving Sunday, April 16, around 4:00.

Doug had invited our team to cover a bit more about Malawi and the location we will be serving in June.

Prayer concerns are:

Getting the baggage through security at every stage of travel. Checking in at Northwest Arkansas National Airport (XNA), clearing customs and security at Johannesburg, South Africa, then final customs and security in Malawi. Each bag is over 50 pounds and there are 8 bags.

Staffing issues in Malawi, where two workers have left for other opportunities. Praying for them in their next stage of life and for finding their replacements for the mission. These should be in place for our team but could affect the team leaving now.

Continue prayer for each team member during the trip, for safety and for personal spiritual growth.

Please joint us in praying for these requests.

- May 27 -

Having to stop in London on my way to Malawi allowed me to visit Redeemer Queen’s Park, one of Cross Church’s church plants. Thomas West, the pastor, and family are on holiday in Greece this week, so I won’t see him on this trip. Assistant Pastor Luiz Lopes led today’s service, finishing a series on the Holy Spirit. It was a very good service.

I also meet with Seth, whom I have communicated via email earlier, Teddy and Chris. There were many others that I met, but I cannot remember their names.

This church has a lot going on this summer:
Co-mission (A group of many similar outreach churches throughout England) are getting together for Revive 2023 retreat.

After School Club starting on June 6, reaching out to local children

Four members if C3 from Cross Church will be arriving next Monday to assist with ministry throughout the summer as interns.

Nearly 100 members of supporting churches with be doing a week-long mission trip in June or July.

Please keep Redeemer in your prayers over the summer, praying that each endeavor will go smoothly and giving thanks for all support coming in. What a blessing for so many people are coming to serve God in this way.

- May 30 -

- Morning -

Arrived to Johannesburg this morning, around 7:00 local time. Getting through security wasn’t too bad. It seems that some aspects of security are scrutinized more than I’m used to (like going through my bag in detail and returning it still open) and others are less so (like not having a boarding pass, only a copy of the itinerary, but no problem). They, at least, check my passport. They let me through security since I wanted, no, needed a cup of coffee, not available in area between London flight arrival and Johannesburg departure.

I met up with the other team members, and we are currently waiting at the gate. Gate agent just arrived. Flight leaves in 40 minutes.

- Evening –

After a 3+ hour ride, arrived to iFeed1 headquarters around 6:30, already dark. After unloading everything, we headed for the term’s first meal together. Pizza, not exactly traditional African food, except a bit different. After heading back to the headquarters, did a little unpacking, toured our home for the next week and sat around just chatting.

Please prayer for our them, for good health and adjustment to the details of what everyday life will be like this week.

- May 31 -

Today was a full day. We visited the open market, which sells many vegetables, fruits and clothing. There was also some meat: fish laid out to dry, beef hanging out on hooks, and live chicken. Doug purchased 20 blankets, which will be given to widows and orphans when we will visit in a few days. Doug, Phil, Mason and Carson are adjusting to jet lag. I’m completely adjusted since I arrived in London a few days earlier, which is only one hour earlier than Malawian time.

We are firming up plans to show the movie God’s Not Dead, for a movie night for the locals. The planning included the Malawian staff … Bruce, Suzgo, Stanley, Kuzalo and Anderson - all are local Malawian pastors.

Prayer for the Malawian staff, for them as they work daily in the ministry, and praising God for giving these men a heart to serve God through and the mission of iFeed1. Pray also for them and our team to work hard together, in unity, for The Kingdom of God.

iFeed1 … Mtima (Heart), Maganizo (Head), Thupi (Body), Moyo (Soul).

- June 1 -

More preparations today for the upcoming movie night for the local Malawians. Praying for a good turnout and for opportunities to share the Gospel with them. This will be tomorrow evening, which starts at 5:00, since it gets dark pretty early here, as they are approaching Winter Solstice.

This morning, I was involved with numerous electrical issues. Working with 230 V makes one take extra care. Then, helped with decorating for tomorrow’s movie night outreach

Tomorrow, we will go to the Nsipe Village to visit where the next church plant will be. Pastor Bruce (from the iFeed1 staff) will be the pastor. We will be doing door to door outreach in the village.

Pray for hearts to be touched by the Holy Spirit and for lives to be changed. Pray for the new church, that all the challenges will be met with success. Continue to pray for our team. Also pray for the upcoming team from Texarkana, Legacy Baptist, which will arrive here just after we leave, so they must be working through all the details that come with such a trip.

- June 2 -

- Morning -

The term travel out to the Nsima Village. This is where Bruce will be the pastor of a new church plant. In this village, there is no electricity or running water. Just small huts, with dirt floors and windows without glass. The ladies will carry any water for their daily use from the water source.

I Peter 4:9a Show hospitality to one another …

After arriving, the team members separated with one of the translators, Suzgo going with me. At each place, we were always welcomed, and a seat was pulled out for us to sit, while the villager sat either on the ground or on the porch. Suzgo told me that there wouldn’t be very many people there today, since this was the day of the open market. We did run into five people during out walk through that section of the village. You will notice that many Malawians have names that are very westernized. For example in out staff, Bruce, Stanley, and Anderson.

First, we met Beatrice, who was busy preparing peas for super. As we talked, I noticed two dogs sleeping. I asked if they were pets or if they were strays. She told me they were security.

Second, we met Charles John. We talked awhile. He had a baby goat, which will provide food once it’s grown.

Next, Hosea James, a young man. He has been married for three years and has one son. After a short time, his mother, Stella, came by and sat with us. She told me that she has raised her son to know about Jesus.

Finally, near a football pitch, we met Ruth. She was busy working in the yard. I did noticed that she kept the area up very well. Along with seats, she offered us peanuts as a treat while we talked. She was the most talkative of those we met, telling us a little bit about the church that she attends, on the other side of the village.

With each stop, as we talked, each confessed that they knew Christ and that attend church. Except for Ruth, all seemed very interested in the new church and might attend. I believe that Ruth’s relationship with Christ is very strong. The way she talked about her church, I know that she is in a wonderful fellowship to worship. After sharing my testimony,I prayed with each person.

It is humbling to meet people who have so little, by American’s standards yet are so warm and welcoming.

Pray for each of these people: Beatrice, Charles John, Stella and Hosea James, and Ruth. Pray for each of us on the term, for humility as we step out to serve God and for a deep understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our own lives as we look to reach others.

- June 2 -

- Evening -

As the time came closer to our planned movie night for the local Malawians, living in Ntcheu, we were very busy roasting peanuts, popping corn for movie time snacks, setting up chairs and the projector. The turnout was light, but with the few that came, we were able to engage them. Stanley greeted the guests with information about the mission of iFeed1 Ministry.

The movie was God’s Not Dead. It was a bit chilly (by Malawian standards), but a good night.

It is always good to talk with Malawians directly since most could speak English.

Pray for those who attended. For the message of the movie to impact them. For word of this event to possibly impact the turnout of future events.

- June 3 -

I will be posting a spotlight of each team member of the next few days.

Team Spotlight: Carson

I’m Carson Perrenoud, I am currently a student at the University of Arkansas. I will graduate next spring with a degree in Physical Education.

Quickly into my time in college, God gracefully saved me right after my first semester. He blessed me with other believers around me and other opportunities to grow in my faith. During a summer discipleship program I took part in there was a talk regarding the unteaches people and other places of missions globally. Since that talk God has cultivated a desire to interact and evangelize to people worldwide.

Some things I would greatly appreciate prayer for would be endurance for the summer, submission and sensitivity to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and peace in a foreign country and culture.

- June 3 -

Today, the team went to the Chimwaye village, where there is a ministry for the widows and orphans, which includes a feeding center that is open today. Once we arrived, we were introduced by Stanley, who is the pastor for this village, to the volunteers, widows and orphans.

We then broke up into two brief Bible studies. One for the orphans led by Mason, with Phil along to assist. One for the widows led by Carson, with me along to assist.

Then the feeding center fed us all, starting with the orphans, then the widows. Afterwards, the volunteers fed our team and then they ate. The meal consisted of rice, greens, chicken, and, of course, nsima. It was all delicious!

The team played football with the orphans afterwards for a while then just talked with them until it was time for all to leave … after each of the widows and orphans received a gift package from iFeed1.

Pray for each of these widows and orphans, that their daily needs. Pray for Pastor Stanley, as he leads this very important ministry.

- June 4 -

Team Spotlight: Mason

I’m Mason Roberts, i just graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Civil Engineering, and I am starting Cross Churches SOM in the fall.

Since i became a believer, God has been growing my heart towards Him and His people, and He has given me many opportunities to go on international mission trips and given me many leadership opportunities. Through this God has called me to a life of ministry.

Prayers for guidance and growth this summer spent in Malawi would be greatly appreciated. I want this summer to be marked by development in preparation for a life of ministry

- June 4 -

It’s Sunday morning. Time to go to a Malawian church, for worship. Biriwiri Baptist Church was where we attended. The pastor is Pastor Milliward Kamenya. We arrived at 10:00, with introductions, then worship started soon after.

Sunday School was first. Phil led the Men’s class, Mason led the Women’s class, and Carson and I led the Children’s class (The Perfect Lamb). There were between 15 and 20 children in our class, ranging from 4 to 15 years old.

When Sunday School was over, there was much singing to start off the service, beautiful voices, beautiful spirit of praise and worship. The children choir followed by the women choir. It was such a blessing to be there for this wonderful worship service. Doug preached the service. There were many people that came forward to accept Jesus as their Savior. Praise God!!

Praise God for such a church for the Malawian people in this town. Please pray for the continuous grow of the church and in individuals. Pray for the new believers, that they will be disciplined to be drawn closer to God. Pray for this church’s leading, Pastor Milliward, as he shepherds this flock.

- June 5 -

Team Spotlight: Phil

My name is Phil McMichael. I’m the Next Gen Pastor at Cross Church.

This past winter I asked the Lord to give me a clear word from scripture that gave me a purpose for traveling to Malawi. One morning I was reading in Romans, and felt God speaking to me clearly through chapter 1:11-12, which says: 

11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

This passage has led my daily prayer time leading up to, and throughout our trip. 

As you pray for our trip, please pray that scripture over us. Also, please pray for my children, that the would grow up loving the Lord, & living on mission in Christ’s power. 
Zecumo quambili!

- June 5 -

Today was a day to reflect. After breakfast, we headed out to hike up to Mount Mtcheu. This is the peck that we look up at each day from the iFeed1 headquarters. Once to the top, we each found a quiet please to take in our surroundings and to spend time with our God. Looking out at the other peaks, reflecting on our great Creator, listening to quiet praise music and praying.

Before heading down, we took many pictures and found the headquarters, which wasn’t as easy as one might thinks. The hike was only a couple of hours, one up, one down. Overall , it was a peaceful and rewarding morning.

We returned early afternoon. Suzgo and I went to the market. When I say market, I mean several stops, around ten, I think. Finding items needed isn’t as easy as running down to our favorite Walmart. No store had too many of the items on our list. We had to order chicken for tonight’s dinner beforehand, since the order would need to be prepared … from live chickens.

It was a good end of the day, with dinner to cook and serve. And then wind down.

Thank God for a wonderful day today, for his continued presence. Pray that Carson and Mason will finish getting the rest of the details they need as we will be leaving on Wednesday morning early. Also pray for one of the Malawian staff members, Anderson, who has had a death in his family. He wasn’t here today and will miss tomorrow, as well.

- June 6 -

Team Spotlight: Doug

Doug Sarver, husband to Karen for 45 years, dad to 4 incredible adult kids and 5 grandsons. Missions Pastor for Cross Church for 31 1/2 years, 40 years of missions experience.

God called me to missions while in a short term mission trip to Brazil in 1988. It’s the START, that STOPS, most people from doing great things for God!

Pray that I will finish well, God will be honored in all I do and I will fulfill my personal life purpose which is Mobilizing people to the greatest opportunity ever, the Great Commission.

Colossians 3:23 is my life verse.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,

- June 6 -

Today, is the last full day at the iFeed1 Ministry headquarters. We spent most of the day taking care of last minute issues. Also packing. We said out goodbyes to the staff, except Suzgo, who is taking us to the airport, so will be with us. We’ll say goodbye to him at the airport.

Pray for safe travels, including getting through customs at every location along the way. Pray also for the C3 Interns, Carson and Mason, who will start the remainder of there time without us. Pray for the team coming from Texarkana, arriving on Friday. Suzgo will remain in Blantyre an extra day after dropping us at the airport so he can pick up the Texarkana group.

- June 7 -

Time to head out to Blantyre, but we will stop at the Mvuu Safari, located in Liwonde National Park. It was a nice trip to end together on our way out. The drive on the major highway, M1, is really long, due to very bad road conditions. This is why we have to get to Blantyre the night before. Our flight leaves at 9:20 tomorrow morning.

It’s time to turn in.

Pray for good flights. I’ll be flying through London again, but not spending any time there, except at the airport. Flying to the states via standby, so pray for that to go smoothly … that is, that I get on a flight. Doug and Phil will fly from Johannesburg directly to the states.

Journal Entries from Keith Foster
2023 Malawi Mission Trip
There are no new Journal entries over the last week

EMail: gkfoster@hotmail.com